
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

MCI SEPT 2010 more questions

1. Number of teeth in 3 year old child?
a. 12
b. 20#
c. 28
d. 32
The first teeth begin to break through the gums at about 6 months of age. Usually, the first two teeth to erupt are the two bottom central incisors (the two bottom front teeth). Next, the top four front teeth emerge. After that, other teeth slowly begin to fill in, usually in pairs - one each side of the upper or lower jaw - until all 20 teeth (10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw) have come in by the time the child is 2 ½ to 3 years old. The complete set of primary teeth is in the mouth from the age of 2 ½ to 3 years of age to 6 to 7 years of age

the following is not seen in chronic renal failure
a. Hyperkalemia
b. Hypophosphatemia#
c. Hypocalcemia
d. Hypernatremia

3. Which of the following does not present with hemoptysis?
a. acute pulmonary edema
b. mitral stenosis
c. bronchogenic carcinoma
d. aortic regurgitation#

4. Earliest immunoglobulin synthesized by fetus?
a. Ig M# 2o weeks
b. Ig G
c. Ig A
d. Ig E

5. Christmas disease is defect of which factor
a. factor 8
b. factor 9#
c. factor 10
d. factor 7

6. Gower sign in a child is seen in :
a. dermatomyositis
b. myotonic dystrophy
c. duchenne muscular dystrophy#
d. peroneal muscle atrophy

However some guys said that this question mentioned the patient as an adult in which case the answer will switch to dermatomyositis. Take the essence and rest is your destiny!! Criticism is welcome
7. grave’s opthamopathy mostly presents as;
a. proptosis
b. diplopia#
c. blindness
d. lid lag

8. lesion seen in renal rickets is ;
a. malabsorbtion of vitamin D from gut
b. inhibition of formation of active form#
c. lack of action of active form of vitamin D
d. renal wasting of phosphate

9. antibodies for diagnosis of SLE?
a. dsDNA#
b. ANA
c. AMA
d. Anti – histone antibodies

10. lacuanr cells are seen in which type of lymphoma?
a. burkitt lymphoma
b. nodular sclerosis#
c. lymphocyte deplated
d. mixed cellularity

11. subconjuntival hemorrhages are seen in?
a. measles
b. mumps
c. pertusis#
d. diphtheria

12. Which is not seen in nephritic syndrome?
a. hematuria#
b. hypocomplementemia
c. hypoproteinemia
d. hypercholestremia

13. looser zones are seen in;
a. osteomalacia#
b. osteoporosis
c. osteonecrosis
d. multiple myeloma

14. lucid interval is seen in
a. extradural hemorrhage#
b. intradural hemorrhage
c. sub arachnoid hemorrhage
d. intra – ventricular hemorrhage

15. Which is incorrect of wilms tumor?
a. presents as abdominal mass
b. spreads via lympahtics#
c. fever
d. hematuria

16. sudden hypocalcemia presents as:
a. tetany#
b. larygneal edema
c. neuromuscular irritability
d. vascular instability


mrinalini said...
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mrinalini said...
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kannan said...
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kannan said...
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kannan said...

great effort sir.... i asked so many seniors about one gave a single clue... u r the great sir...